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The West Bend School District (WBSD) believes parental involvement, family engagement, and community partnerships increase and improve student learning and development. The WBSD is committed to utilizing volunteers from the school community to assist in the educational process. Volunteers shall only be utilized in accordance with established District guidelines. All persons who volunteer are required to complete the volunteer application process prior to beginning their volunteer activity.  Criminal background checks shall be required of all volunteers ages 18 or older, who participate in programs throughout the WBSD. Volunteer records will be subject to review and monitored for updated information regarding eligibility. Volunteers whose prior history, including criminal history, demonstrates a risk to the safety or well-being of students will be denied participation in volunteer activities.

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Volunteer Application
Click here to become a volunteer of the WBSD



WBSD Volunteers are identified as anyone who provides unpaid assistance for the WBSD. WBSD Volunteers must: 

  • Complete a WBSD Volunteer Application and be approved into the program
  • Have no record of felony convictions, crimes against a child, or requirement to register as a sex offender
  • Reapply every three school years to continue in the program

To apply to become a volunteer, please follow the links below to complete and submit an electronic Volunteer Application and Volunteer Code of Conduct.  Applications must be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to an event to allow processing time. If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Gallun at 262-306-4800 or


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up to be a volunteer? 
Go to the WBSD website,, click on “Families,” then click on “Volunteer for the WBSD.” Click on the appropriate volunteer link and complete your electronic volunteer application by agreeing to the District’s Code of Conduct and filling in the required fields of the application. Applications must be submitted a minimum of two weeks prior to an event to allow for processing time
Where do I find volunteer opportunities available in the WBSD? 
Once you have been approved into the volunteer program, please reach out to teachers or office staff directly at the school you are interested in volunteering with so they can determine how you are able to volunteer your time.
Why must I have a criminal background check to participate in volunteer activities at my child’s school? 
The safety of all students in the WBSD is our first priority. While we encourage and appreciate parental involvement in your child’s school, it’s important we do not compromise student safety.
What’s the difference between volunteering and parent involvement? 
A volunteer is a person who works regularly in schools or other educational settings to support the efforts of professional personnel. Individuals who participate in activities in which all students are not under the supervision of their parents/guardians are volunteers. For instance, if you volunteer at the school book fair, you would need to be an approved volunteer because you are interacting directly with students. If you accompany your child to the book fair as his/her parent, you would not need to be an approved volunteer because you are attending the event with your child. All school chaperones must be approved volunteers.
How long does the background check process take?
Applications are processed in the order in which they are received and processing takes up to 2 weeks. Please submit application forms early to ensure adequate response time. 
I was approved last year, do I need to reapply this year?
No. When volunteers are approved into the program the application is valid for three school years and will expire June 30th of the third year. When the application has expired, an email reminder will be sent with instructions on how to update and resubmit your application. This district may, from time to time, update volunteer processes, which could require reapplication within or under three years. You would be notified by email in such a case. 
My child is at a different school this year, can I volunteer at their new school?
Yes, approved volunteers are eligible to participate at any WBSD school once approved into the program. 
How do I update my personal information, such as address, phone number, or e-mail, after being approved into the program?  
To update your personal information, please send an email to


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