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The West Bend School District offers students programs that are critical to its mission of Preparing All Students for College Readiness AND Career Success. With nearly 6,000 learners, the WBSD prides itself on making sure ALL students have the tools available to succeed.

Gifted and Talented

The West Bend Joint School District #1 recognizes that each individual student has unique educational needs. Therefore, the district strives to develop programming that meets the needs of all students.

Most often this is accomplished in the regular classroom through varying the level of challenges offered students. But when special programming is necessary to meet the needs of a particular student, the district offers a spectrum of programs, some of which are through Gifted and Talented programming.

Mission of the Gifted and Talented Program
Our mission is to educate gifted and talented learners by nurturing achievement, performance, and self-esteem through a dynamic partnership of students, family, staff, and community. We empower gifted and talented learners with purposeful, challenging, and systematic opportunities to meet their unique needs and enhance their future.

Belief Statement of the Gifted and Talented Program
We believe...

  • Gifted children are children first
  • Achievement, performance, and self-esteem are directly related to expectations appropriately linked to one’s potential
  • We must develop and respect each individual’s ability to learn in different ways and at different rates because each learner is unique
  • Education is a shared responsibility of students, families, staff, and community
  • There is no limit to human ingenuity and creativity and education expands the ability to shape one’s destiny

For more information, please contact your child’s principal, consult the West Bend School District Enrich and Extend Gifted and Talented Parent Handbook, the West Bend Joint School District #1 Gifted and Talented Education Policy, or any of the contacts listed.


English Language Learners (ELL)

An English Language Learner is a student whose primary language is not English and who has not yet reached proficient English. Sup[port specialists offer direct and classroom services for ELL students to help build bridges for communication, and in the process, support the academic successes of the student. parent assistance is also available.  


Special Education

Special Education is the practice of educating students in a manner designed specifically to their individual differences based on an area of impairment and a need for special education.

This process utilizes an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which is a monitored arrangement of teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials, accessible settings, and other interventions designed to help learners with an impairment achieve success.

Please contact your building principal if you have questions or would like to discuss a special education referral for your child.

Special Education Referral Form

504 Plan
Some students with learning issues don’t need special education or individualized instruction (and an IEP), 
however they might still need support or accommodations for learning. A 504 plan documents the support the school will provide which allow the student equal access to the general education curriculum.

If you’d like more information about 504 plans, please contact your building principal. 504 Referral Form


Project SEARCH

The West Bend School District partners with West Bend Mutual Insurance and The Threshold on Project SEARCH. This program helps children with disabilities in Washington County to gain marketable job skills. This one-year transition program allows them to do both classroom work and unpaid internships at West Bend Mutual to explore different career paths. 



Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker attended the firsts Project Search completion ceremony at West Bend Mutual Insurance in summer 2018. 



Alternative Education Programs

Second Chance is an alternative learning program, which partners with local area businesses and school-to-work initiatives to provide students who are not achieving success in a traditional education setting.  The Second Chance model is a 21-month program, starting in the fall of their junior year through May of their senior year that links real world learning to the work place. The Second Chance program is housed entirely within the facilities of partner businesses and operates according to their calendar. 

GED Option #2 is a program of the West Bend School District. West Bend East and West Bend West High Schools send students who are 17 years old and in their senior year and at least 3 credits behind their graduating class to this option. This program is designed for students who are not successful in the traditional high school setting and have the ability to work independently. The mission of the program is to create a community of empowered learners in an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. Every student will be inspired and challenged to learn, grow and accomplish academic, social and vocational goals. 

West Bend Virtual Academy offers students and families 21st-century learning opportunities. Review more information




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