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Become a Business Partner Today

The West Bend School District invites businesses to partner with us. Engaged, supportive business partners assist us in delivering industry-leading career education and work-based learning opportunities. These partnerships strengthen the pipeline between work and school, ensuring that our students are career ready and that our business community has a future work force that meets its needs. Together, we can ensure that West Bend School District students succeed in education, the workplace, and life.

Learn more on this business partnership brochure

Business Partner Features

Learn more about some of the businesses that have partnered with the West Bend School District. (Click on an image to see the full flyer.)

sunrise rotary flyer

West Bend Sunrise Rotary

piggly wiggly flyer
Fox Brothers Piggly Wiggly - West Bend

hometown foundation

HomeTown Foundation

steiner electric flyer
Steiner Electric

YMCA image
Kettle Moraine YMCA

west bend transit flyer
West Bend Transit and F Street Development

the orvilile flyer

The Orville/The Norbert

Witte's market final

Witte's Vegetable Market​​

stinger's spotlights

Stinger's Golf and Recreation

counsins subs

Cousins Subs on Paradise Drive

west bend mutual flyer

West Bend Mutual Insurance

columns info


lamm scapes

candyman info

Candyman on Main

volunteer center flyer

Volunteer Center of Washington County

Authentic Wellness info
Authentic Wellness

glacier hills credit union
Glacier Hills Credit Union

American Cancer society

American Cancer Society

dunn brothers spotlight
​​​​​​​Dunn Brothers Coffee

regal ware flyer
Regal Ware



spotlight habitat
Habitat for Humanity

metalcraft brochure

texas roadhouse
Texas Roadhouse


Eaton's Fresh Pizza

american legion image

American Legion Lt. Ray Dickop Post 36







The  Benefits

  • Provides a well qualified workforce which can quickly adapt to changing needs
  • Establishes a framework for cross-training or retooling the workforce
  • Builds a pipeline of workers
  • Meaningful engagement with the school system
  • Many more
people working on a car

The How To

group of people at a table            

What are some ways to get involved as a business partner?

Provide work-based learning (job shadowing, mentorships, internships, co-ops, and youth apprenticeships) experiences that help prepare our students for in-demand jobs

  • Be a guest speaker in a school or classroom
  • Participate in a job fair
  • Host a tour of your organization’s facilities and operations
  • Serve on career and technical education advisory councils
  • Support local scholarships or donate supplies/equipment for programming

These are just a few ways to get involved in our schools. Want to learn more about these or other ideas to become a business partner, please call or email to get started. 

Ralph A. Schlass, Director of Community Relationships and Engagement
(262) 335-5463


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