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WBSD LogoThe West Bend School District takes the decision to close school buildings due to inclement weather or other factors very seriously and uses the option to close, delay opening, or dismiss early only when absolutely necessary. 

When facing the possibility of a weather-related closure, our superintendent and staff rely on the expertise of the National Weather Service. The superintendent consults with surrounding school districts, the bus company, and WBSD facilities crew, and discusses the information during conference calls that are scheduled during times when inclement weather has been predicted (most often a 3:30 a.m. call). The top priority in considering this information is the health and safety of our students, families, and staff. Every effort is made to make a final determination on school closings or delays by 5:30 a.m.

In addition to snow or other weather conditions, another consideration is the sustained wind chill. If necessary, we consult with the bus company to ensure that their fleet is up and running and able to provide service safely. Available data regarding the condition of local streets and school district facilities are also considered.

While the decision is often to hold classes, you as a family always have the last say in whether or not your child will attend school. Please remember to notify the school if you have decided to keep your child at home.

How will I be notified if school buildings are closed?
Once a decision to close buildings, dismiss early, delay openings, or cancel after-school activities and events has been made, parents, staff and the community will be notified through the following communication channels: 

  1. Phone and email using Skyward Family Access (make sure your contact information in Skyward is up to date
  2. District website  -
  3. District and school social media accounts
  4. Local television stations 

Distance Learning 
We are pleased to have the option to continue instruction through distance learning for all K-12 students on days when our facilities must close. *Students in the West Bend Virtual Academy will have a typical instructional day. By using distance learning, school time will not need to be made up at the end of the school year. Attendance will be taken. 

Below are the situations that could occur and the resulting instruction: 

Option #1-Distance Learning Day: All West Bend School District schools are closed for in-person learning and students will have a distance learning day. No after-school activities will occur on days when schools are closed for in-person learning.  

Click here for expectations and details for distance learning
More details. 

Option #2-Early Dismissal: An early dismissal time is implemented based on weather or another factor and communicated to families as quickly as possible. If possible, the decision will be made no later than 11:30 a.m. No after-school activities occur on early dismissal days. After-school day care will be open. 

Option #3-Two-Hour Opening Delay: The timing of inclement weather is very important to the decision making and there may be a time when the roads can be safely cleared or weather clears up a short time after the regular start times. If, after consultation with the bus company, we determine a two-hour delay will be necessary, it will be implemented and families notified. All morning Early Learning Program sessions will be canceled if this occurs. 

Option #4-After-School Activities and Events Canceled: If a full day of school is held in the buildings but inclement weather approaches, the decision to cancel after-school events will be made by 2:00 p.m. The decision to cancel after school events/contests scheduled at other non-district sites, locations, other schools, etc., will be made on a case-by-case basis together with the hosting school/entity. 



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