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Heather Axness
Attendance Secretary


Reporting an Absence

When reporting a student absence, please call before 9 a.m. so that the teachers and staff will be aware of the student's absence. Absences can be reported by calling 335-5460. Students that are seen by an attending physician are encouraged to obtain a doctor's note. Doctor's notes are recorded as medical excuses.

Thank you!

Pre-arranged Personal Absence Request

When it is known in advance that a student will miss two or more days of school, a Pre-Arranged Personal Absence Request form is required to receive homework. The PAPAR form should be circulated at least one week prior to the student's absence. (NOTE: The days missed do count as part of the 10 days a parent may excuse a student during the school year, Board Policy #5113.) Please follow the these procedures for planned absences:


  • Student prints out the form from Badger's website or picks up a form in the office.
  • Parent fills out the top portion and signs form.
  • Student brings form to school and takes it to all his/her teachers to sign.
  • Teacher checks off the appropriate box(es).
  • Student brings the PAPAR to the office for an administrator to either approve or disapprove the request.

The office will make one copy for the file and give the student his/her original copy back.


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